Our team

Phelix is a co-partnership of healthcare professionals (Practitioners, Immunologists and University Researchers, amongst them Leicester University) and volunteers.

The main objective is to research the nature, cases, diagnoses, prevention, treatment and cure of infectious diseases; thus protecting and promoting the health of the general public. The charity currently supports research on bacteriophages for chronic infections. It includes the research and development of diagnostic tests, prevention treatments and ultimately, the cure of antibiotic resistant infectious diseases (these phages will also be used to develop new and more sensitive diagnostic tests for such chronic infections). 


F-X Louvet

Francois-Xavier Louvet

Co-Trustee & Founder

Legal representative


Louis Teulieres

Louis Teulieres

Co-Trustee & Founder

Medical Doctor & Naturopath

Immunologist Consultant 



click Matha Clokie

Martha Clokie

Founding Member & Researcher

Professor of Microbiology

Leicester University


Jinyu Shan

Jinyu Shan

Member & Researcher

Doctor in Microbiology

Leicester University


Christian Perronne

Christian Perronne

Founding Member

Professor of Medecine

Infectious and Tropical Diseases 

Hopital Raymond Poincare Paris





Pierre Gressens

Pierre Gressens


Professor of Medecine

Child Neurologist

St Thomas Hospital London

Robert Debre Hospital Paris





